通知号:IPOPHL Memorandum Circular No. 2024-024标题:AMENDED PHILIPPINE REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE PROTOCOL RELATING TO THE MADRID AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION OF MARKS OF 2017菲律宾对2017年版《关于马德里协定的国际商标实施细则》进行修订Collective Marks and Certification Marks. - Where an IR designating the Philippines is a collective mark or a certification mark, a copy of the agreement governing the use of such collective mark or the copy of the standards set by the certifier governing the use of the certification mark, as the case may be, shall be submitted by the holder of the IR to the IPOPHL within two months from the date of international registration with the International Bureau.2.新增Replacement细则 (关于马德里指定菲律宾已核准商标替换本国注册商标)RULE 21 (3) 如菲律宾知识产权局(IPOPHIL)收到Replacement申请并通知国际局,只要该国际注册仍有效,IPOPHIL应一直保留该商标注册并有效。Where the IPOPHL has taken note of an IR in accordance with paragraph (1 )(a) and has notified the International Bureau in accordance with paragraph (2) above, the IPOPHL shall maintain in its register the replaced national registration as long as the IR remains validly registered.RULE 21(4) 如遇部分替换,只要该国际注册仍有效,IPOPHIL应只保留本国商标与国际商标的商品/服务项目相同的部分。In case of partial replacements, the IPOPHL shall only maintain the national registration with respect to the goods and/or services which are covered by the IR, as long as the la er remains validly registered.3.新增使用宣誓DAU(Declaration of Use)细则RULE 23 (4) 如后期指定至菲律宾的国际商标,其第3年或第5年DAU与续展DAU时间重叠,可以在重叠期限内仅提交一份DAU,并对时间重叠情况递交说明,但重叠的两件DAU均应缴纳相应费用。In case of subsequent designations where the period to file the DAU as prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 will overlap with the submission period thereof, one Declaration of Actual Use may be submitted within the overlapping period specifically stating that the compliance is for the overlapping declarations. The submission shall be subject to the DAU fees which shall correspond to the two overlapping DAUs.RULE 23 (5) 如果提交第3年或第5年DAU的截止日期是在提交续展DAU起始日之前或截止日之后,则必须分别递交上述各阶段DAU。RULE 23 (3)所述的续展DAU仍必须在规定的期限内提交。If the deadline to file the 3rd year or 5th Anniversary DAU is before the commencement or after the one-year period to submit the Renewal DAU, then the required DAU, as appropriate, must be filed. A Renewal DAU as detailed in paragraph 3 must still be submitted within the prescribed deadline.RULE 23 (6) 申请人在向国际局递交续展后,续展5年DAU及续展DAU将立即按规实施。After the renewal of the IR with the International Bureau, the period to file the 5th Anniversary DAU, as required in paragraph 2, and the Renewal DAU as required in paragraph 3 will now be enforced.RULE 24 (1) 如果商标已做过Replacement(马德里指定菲律宾已核准商标替换本国注册商标)或者Transformation(国际商标转国家商标),替换前的国家商标不需要再额外递交DAU(替换后的商标或者转国家注册的商标还是需要递交DAU)。Where the IPOPHL has taken note of an IR in accordance with paragraph Rule 21 (1)(a) and has notified the International Bureau in accordance with Rule 22 (2), the holder of the IR shall file a DAU in accordance with the manner described in Rule 23. The replaced national registration shall be maintained in the IPOPHL's register without need of filing a separate DAU for the national registration.RULE 24 (2) 如果是部分替换,IPOPHIL只会维护替换完成后已经递交DAU的部分(与国际商标相同的商品/服务项目)。未被替换部分的本国申请需要额外单独递交一份DAU。In case of partial replacement, the IPOPHL shall only maintain the national registration with respect to the goods and/or services which are covered by the IR to which a DAU has been filed and accepted. The registrant must file a separate DAU for the national registration which is not subject of the replacement.RULE 24 (3) 如果DAU是在国际申请/注册Transformation完成之前提交的,该DAU仍应被视为该商标转国家申请/注册完成后的DAU。对于Partial Transformation,亦是相同。Where the application or registration results from a transformation in accordance with Rule 22, and if the DAU was filed before the IR was transformed, such DAU filed shall be considered for the national application or registration resulting from the transformed IR. For partial transformation, the DAU previously filed for the IR shall be considered as the DAU for the national application or registration resulting from the request for partial transformation.RULE 24 (4) 如果DAU在国际申请/注册Transformation完成之前未提交,应依据国家申请对DAU的时间规定进行DAU递交。Transformation递交日不影响DAU递交截止日。对于Partial Transformation,未转的国际申请和转后的国家申请均应按照本细则及国家申请细则对时间规范分别递交DAU。If the DAU has not been filed before the IR was transformed into a national application or registration, the DAU must be filed following the dates prescribed under these Regulations and the TM Regulations, regardless of the date of transformation. The date of transformation does not operate to extend the filing date of the DAU. For partial transformation, separate DAUs for the IR and the resulting national application or registration must be filed within the period prescribed under these Regulations and the TM Regulations."